How To Prepare For Skydiving?


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How to prepare for skydiving? It’s simple, but there are some things you need to take into consideration before jumping out of that plane. Read on to learn more about what to do before, during and after skydiving so you can have the best experience possible!

Choose the right day

Skydiving is a thrilling experience, but it can also be a little nerve-wracking. To help you feel prepared and ready, here are six steps that will help you get ready for your first skydive! 

  • Find an accredited school with a highly qualified instructor. 
  • Buy the proper gear – helmet, goggles, and jumpsuit. 
  • Practice at least 20 or 30 solo jumps before attempting any type of tandem jump. 
  • If you have any medical conditions or concerns (i.e., high blood pressure), make sure they’re addressed before diving out of an airplane. 
  • The next step is preparing for what happens on the ground; whether this includes packing some snacks, putting on sunscreen, or wearing something comfy. 
  • Finally, take one final mental note: Relax and enjoy the ride!

Dress for success

There are a few things you need to do before you can go on a skydive, but the key thing is make sure your clothes are right. 

  • First of all, you will need the right type of clothing – usually this means long pants, long-sleeved shirt, and sturdy shoes. 
  • Secondly, make sure it isn’t too cold outside and that there is not too much wind. 
  • Thirdly, wear comfortable clothes that are not too loose or tight. You don’t want anything restricting your movement in freefall or while controlling your parachute during descent. After you get your gear (helmet, gloves), check with the instructor about any extra items you might need like goggles or ear plugs. The last thing you want to do is be worrying about getting sick from dust or debris so if there’s even a chance of that happening bring some tissues with you. If possible, try on everything before the day of your jump so nothing catches on something else as it will restrict how easily you can move. Finally, be mindful of what kind of footwear people recommend wearing because each type has its own benefits and drawbacks. Some people recommend boots which are more durable than sneakers but some find them heavier and less flexible so they recommend trainers instead which allow feet to flex better when landing hard surfaces like concrete.

Get there early

If you’re nervous about your upcoming jump, be sure to show up early and spend a little time in the lobby. This will give you plenty of time to talk with other people who are waiting, as well as staff members who can answer any questions that you might have. You may also want to consider getting a video briefing from an instructor if you’re worried about feeling queasy at the last minute.

It’s also a good idea to hydrate before your jump and dress in layers, since it can be cold on the airplane ride up and warm once you arrive at altitude. Wear clothing that is comfortable and loose-fitting so that the parachute harness will not restrict your movement or make it difficult for you get out of the harness after landing.

Do a weather check

*The first thing you need to do is check the weather. Skydiving is a high-risk sport and you want to make sure that any day that you plan on doing it, the weather is nice and there are no storms or bad conditions. You’ll also want to make sure the wind isn’t too strong either. *Next, you’ll need to pack your clothes. You should plan on wearing clothes that are comfortable since you’ll be sitting in a plane for a while before jumping out of it. It’s important not to wear any jewelry when skydiving because if it gets caught on anything, it could break your neck or kill you. Be sure to take some ibuprofen with you as well so that if your ears start hurting from going up so quickly, they can feel better again. If you have trouble breathing after going up into the air, it may help to carry an inhaler with you too. When people start feeling lightheaded, which can happen during freefalling and after landing, don’t worry! It’s normal and just means everything is fine.

Check your gear

The best way to prepare for skydiving is to make sure you have the proper gear. You want to make sure your goggles fit well so they don’t fog up and that your jumpsuit is comfortable and not too tight. It might be a good idea if you pack a couple snacks and water in case you need them on the flight. You should also bring some tissues, an extra layer of clothes, or anything else you might need before or after your jump. If possible, you can even bring a small photo of yourself with someone special as a reminder of who’s waiting on the ground below. On arrival at altitude, the instructor will give you a five-minute lesson about how to use your parachute; what hand signals indicate problems; what to do when landing (watch out for power lines and always roll away from the wind); how to position yourself under the canopy; what it feels like when there’s contact with terra firma. After this lesson, you’ll take off–first alone with an instructor close by then solo.

Meet your instructor

The first step is to meet with your instructor and make sure they are qualified. They should have experience, knowledge, and be able to answer any of your questions. Your instructor will ask you what your intentions are. Are you a student looking to get the certification? Or are you a professional looking for more training? Then they will ask you what discipline of skydiving you want to pursue: a tandem jump or a solo jump. 

Next, they will teach you how to pack your own parachute. You will learn how every little detail is important, from the straps on the back all the way down to the amount of air in your reserve chute on top.

Watch a safety video

Skydiving can be an exciting and exhilarating experience, but it’s important to educate yourself on the safety risks and any precautions that should be taken. Watch the video for a brief overview of what you need to know before going skydiving. 

The most important thing is that if you’re going up in a plane, make sure you buckle your seatbelt and don’t leave anything behind that could fly out of the aircraft. If you’re jumping from more than 3,000 feet, it’s recommended that you wear goggles or a helmet so as not to risk injury from free-falling objects. A common misconception is that because parachutes are attached, there’s no real risk of injury. You might think it would be safe to jump without a parachute when exiting from low heights (1,000 feet) since you’ll have plenty of time to pull the ripcord after leaving the plane. 

The truth is though, parachutes are designed for long falls. When falling through air at high speeds (due to exiting at low heights), you run the risk of pulling your parachute too soon and experiencing speed packing. Speed packing occurs when air resistance pushes down on your parachute canopy while still ascending rapidly; this causes pressure on both sides which ultimately tears the parachute fabric apart with great force.


Before you take the plunge, there are a few things you should do. First, you want to make sure your equipment is in good shape and that it’s been maintained by a professional. You’ll also want to make sure you’ve eaten a light meal before the jump so that when you’re up in the air, your stomach isn’t trying to digest anything. And finally, don’t forget to pack some snacks! Skydiving can be an exhilarating experience and while they’ll provide some snacks on the plane, it’s always nice to have a little something from home if possible. If this is your first time jumping out of a plane, you may not know what to expect. Take some time to read about what goes into skydiving – whether it be with gear or just the concept of jumping out of a moving aircraft – and ask questions before the day of your jump. It’s important that you understand what to expect because jumping out of a plane at 14,000 feet is no joke!


We hope this guide helps you with your preparation for your first skydive. If you have any questions, please let us know and we will be happy to answer them. You can also sign up for a tandem jump or learn more about our other services on our website. Remember, the only thing you need is a positive attitude and a willingness to experience something new! For your safety, we do require that all participants must meet certain requirements before they are allowed to go skydiving. Be sure to fill out all of the necessary paperwork beforehand and then show up at least thirty minutes prior to your scheduled time slot. Read more for these type of blogs.


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